Worship Praise Team Auditions

Are you passionate about using your musical talents to glorify God? Do you have a heart for worship and feel called to lead others in encountering the presence of the Lord? We invite you to audition for our worship team!

Why Worship is Important

Worship is more than just music; it's a lifestyle. It's our response to God’s love, grace, and sacrifice. When we worship, we align our hearts with God’s, and we invite others to do the same. As members of the worship team, we are not just musicians, but leaders who create a space where the church can encounter the presence of God.

Why Your Talent Matters

God has given each of us unique gifts and talents, and Scripture encourages us to use them for His glory. In 1 Peter 4:10, we’re reminded: "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." Whether you play an instrument, sing, or have technical skills, your talent can be an instrument of worship. By offering your gifts to the Lord, you are helping to lead others into a deeper relationship with Him.

What to Expect at Auditions

Auditions are open to anyone who feels called to use their talents in this ministry. Be prepared to showcase your skills, share a little about your journey with the Lord, and why you desire to be part of the worship team.

Together, let’s create an atmosphere of worship that invites people into the presence of God!

Worship Praise Team Auditions
Lucas Olivarez lolivarez@sugarcreek.net
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 7:30 PM
Sugar Land Campus | Music Suite