Stories of Change

Bobby's Story of Freedom

In the darkest of places, when hope seems lost, sometimes a glimmer of light shines through in the most unexpected ways. Bobby's story is a powerful reminder to this truth, illustrating how a Jesus can transform a life even in the direst circumstances.

A Desperate Situation
On March 8, 1985, Bobby found himself in a small, solitary confinement cell—an 10x8 room with nothing but a thin mat, a metal door, and a small slot for meals. The isolation and bleakness of the cell were overwhelming, and Bobby was on the brink of giving up. One night, in the midst of his despair, Bobby noticed something he hadn't seen before: a Bible tucked away in the corner of the cell. With nothing else to distract him, he began to read. The words of the Bible began to resonate deeply with him, and soon, Bobby found himself in tears. The realization that Jesus had died for his sins hit him with overwhelming clarity.

A Life-Changing Decision
In the midst of his tears, Bobby experienced a profound moment of clarity and conviction. He understood that no matter how hard he tried, he could never be good enough on his own because of the sin that burdened him. In that solitary space, Bobby knelt down, overwhelmed by emotion, and prayed for forgiveness. He accepted Jesus Christ into his heart, experiencing a joy and peace that had eluded him until then. “I was so happy at that time,” Bobby recalls. “I wanted to get out of my cell and tell somebody what had just happened to me. The heavy burden in my heart just fell off.”

Facing a New Challenge
The following week, Bobby faced a new challenge when he met with his lawyer. The lawyer informed him that the judge would offer a plea deal of 10 years if he pled guilty. If Bobby chose to go to trial, he faced the possibility of receiving a much harsher sentence. This news left Bobby devastated. He felt angry and confused, questioning why, after giving his life to Jesus, he was still facing such a severe punishment. In his frustration, Bobby cried out to God, questioning why he was being subjected to this hardship. But in his heart, he sensed a conviction that his acceptance of Christ was not merely a means to escape his circumstances but a true commitment to follow Him regardless of the outcome.

A Test of Faith
Bobby prayed again and reaffirmed his commitment to God. He expressed his willingness to accept the 10-year sentence if that was God’s will, trusting that it was better than the uncertain alternative of a longer term. He informed his lawyer of his decision, preparing himself to face whatever came next. To Bobby’s astonishment, his lawyer returned with surprising news. Despite not having made any formal plea, the judge had inexplicably decided to release him. The lawyer was baffled, and Bobby was overwhelmed with gratitude and amazement.

A New Beginning
This unexpected turn of events left Bobby in awe of God’s power and grace. He realized that God’s rescue extended far beyond his immediate situation. Not only had he been spared from spending 10 years in prison, but he had also been rescued from a fate far worse—eternal separation from God. “I can’t describe the feeling,” Bobby shares. “The Lord taught me to trust Him and to follow through on my commitment to Him. Jesus is my hero.”

Everyone has made a bargain with God before. But Bobby's story reminds us that God doesn't show up when we start to bargain with Him. Rather, God shows up when we are ready to surrender to Him. Bobby's story might be similar to yours. You might be ready to stop bargaining God and start trusting Him. If you're ready, click here and let us help you discover your next steps.